Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am not kidding. Almost EVERYONE here is pregnant. I've already been to TWO babyshowers and many more are expected.

This was some of my Grandmother's leftover yarn. She used to make baby caps for preemies. It felt so good to connect with her.

The same girlfriend who took me to the vineyard, threw this party. She's such a great hostess. The cake is so cute...and moist!

See how her serving dishes dovetail around the center covered dish. That's what I was trying to say in the "Nove" post.


Partytime. The guest of honor is in the white shirt. My best galpals are sitting on the couch/chair. Elizabeth and Rebecca

Oh My! Another picture of a wine bottle....*Laugh* I SWEAR I'm not developing a bad's just soooo good! And I take pictures to remind me what I like. (I guess I could start carrying a notebook)
Love, Ang

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