Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nov9-13 Kate's Visit

Kate came to visit over Veterans Day weekend.

Papa was off on Friday so we took a road trip to see our "local" Ghost town.

Quick history of Rhyolite from:

Just out of Beatty, Nevada, Rhyolite is a ghost town with much character. With a population of over 10,000 at one time, Rhyolite was no small town. The town was founded in 1904 and by 1907 even had electricity. There is one building still standing today in Rhyolite that was made from 10,000 beer bottles of which there was no shortage in Rhyolite. Another building, the bank building, was 3 stories tall and cost $90,000 to build. Ruins of its wall still stand today. The financial panic of 1907 took its toll on the town and businesses started to shut down. Then, the mines started to play out and by 1916 the power and light company had shut down and the people had moved on.

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Click for history of the Bottle House

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Kate-With her "come hither" look

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And her scary "Pay me" look (I don't think she would have been a very good "lady of the evening")

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Here's what's left of this town. We hiked up to an abandoned mine and I snapped this picture. It's hard to believe that 10,000 people lived in this valley. It's so desolate.

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Just outside the ghost town was an open air museum. Here's the link for more info:

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Littlebear and the bike

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This was a lifesized mosaic couch! The artist included forks, action figures, mirrors, and poker chips alongside the tiles. I'm sure it's all symbolic and deep....but to me, it was just a cool couch covered with stuff that normally fits into someone's day.

Whew, I have ALOT more pictures from this site. Like the 30 foot naked lady made out of cinderblocks. (LOL ask if your interested) and the prospector made out of rusty bits of iron.

Love, Ang

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