Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nove Trip

Serving pieces

This was our first stop in Nove. I fell in love with this serving set. The center is a big tureen and the side dishes dovetail into one another around it. Foolish Ang was playing "Cautious" and decided to wait for the other stops. It turns out that everything I wanted was at the FIRST store. So my girlfriend and I are going to take another trip over there.


My Canister set is a garage store find from 14 years ago. I'm ready to upgrade. I love these little sets with the Italian names on them. They're going on my wishlist too.


I like this set too...but I think the Italian names have sold me. I just included it to show you how gorgeous these are.



purple Magnolias

I saw this tree (Magnolia?) and had to take a picture. I love Europe and it's love of flowering things.

Nove Maria

I also Love Italy's facination with paintings. Everywhere you turn you'll see a fresco. I am such a tourist!! LOL!


This is Malaika and my best friend Elizabeth. Malaika was emailing me before I came to she holds a soft spot in my heart. Elizabeth is everything I wanted in a best friend. Crafty, Mom of a pre-teen, Funny, and she doesn't make fun of my dorkiness. I just love her. (Of COURSE she's moving in less than a month. I have the worst luck finding friends.)


Elizabeth went on a wine trip and brought me back a bottle of wine...This poorbaby didn't stand a chance. I think Papabear had a taste out of my wineglass.


A funny sign. I am such a dork! (taken from a moving car in a rain shower)

When we were in Germany, I always put off going places with my fellow spouses. I wanted to wait til Papabear came home so we could go together. NO MORE! I found out that there's never enough time to see it all, so when you have a chance to see it....go! That's what this trip was. The best part is that Papabear was off that day. So I dragged him along with me. (That and the fact that now I can go back because he knows where it is! bwhahahah)

Love, Ang
(who's working her way though these suckers!)


Tisha said...

It's a tulip tree, they always bloom at Easter. : )

Angela :o) said...

Ah, thank you! I'm putting my mental garden together (For my Someday House) and I just added another tree.
