Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

“It’s gonna be great!!”
a. Enroll in a College course.
  • Just like when I was looking for a job, something is scaring me and keeping me from starting this…I guess I’ll just have to put my Big Girl panties on and deal with it.

b. Consciously choose the positive response instead of the negative one.
  • I will choose to welcome challenges/adversity as a way to grow and become stronger.
c. Worry less, Prepare more.
  • I am a worry wart. No actually, I think I am an obsessive worry wart. (The whole time on the cruise I was petrified that Littlebear would fall of the ship, be snatched into a pedophile’s cabin, or get hurt. I nagged and nagged him instead of letting him run crazy with his cousins. What a waste.)
  • I need to prepare all I can for something, then forget about it. I can’t do anything at 2am about it, so I just need to learn to let it unfold like it should.


a. Eliminate 30 extra lbs of yuck.

  • I just cried whenever I saw pictures of me during that cruise. There was a VERY cute one of me and a Showgirl, but I looked horrendous! I should have bought it strictly for the motivation. Do you know how some larger women can pull off the extra weight because they have a big chest? Well I’m not one of them. All of my extra weight is shown right below my eyebrows. I used to have a really cute heart-shaped face, now it just looks puffy and round. I can hide my body behind Mumu dresses, but I can’t hide my face. Enough!!! This is my year….day by day…bite by bite.
  • I’m going to place our family picture (Which actually was adorable) in a very high traffic area to inspire me. Next holiday season I’m wearing spaghetti straps!!!

Spirit (not religious spiritual side…but “reason for living” spiritual side)

a. Blog

  • I am going to force myself to blog at LEAST twice a week. Not blogging leads to blog-guilt. Which starts its own vicious circle. Besides, it’s good for me to look around for blog topics. It makes me think about my life instead of only going through the motions. So Tues will be my “Blog for Me” day…and Friday will be my weekly Wrap-up. Hold me to this!!

b. Crafting

  • I’m also going to force myself to sit down and work on a little crafting. I know that I’ll never have the time to craft that I previously took for granted. But I seem to feel better when I’m crafting.

c. Finish what you start

  • Hand in hand with that is that I’m NOT going to start another craft project till the previous one is complete. I have SO many UFO (unfinished objects) around here that are oozing stress into my sub-conscience. No more!

Alright..Now to print this out and put it on my bathroom mirror.

Love, Ang

P.S. Happy 2008!!!

PPS: LOL!! That reads more like a manifesto, than a list of resolutions!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy (Belated) New Year!

I love your resolutions list -- I'll be with you in mind and spirit on your workouts. I. Still. Need. To. Get. Rid. Of. That. Preggie. Weight. And this year will be THE year!