Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekly Wrap-up

I've been waiting to blog until I took pictures....LOL but we might be here a while. So I've decided to give you all a Photo-IOU and hope I can catch up. (Edit: IOU....Done)

Last week we decorated the house. Even Papabear got into the act. Our outside is just as festive as the inside. He covered EVERYTHING with lights. I've got to get a picture of this. He even outlined the rock yard with lights.

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Thursday, at Cubscouts, LB stamped a leather belt thingy-holder for his achievement beads. I've Photoshopped out his name and pack number....LOL I love you guys....just not that much!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday I took LB down to the doctor to have his warts removed. He had three of them on the bottom of his foot. What a trooper he is. He's always been so good with the doctor. We have an unspoken agreement....I tell him EXACTLY what the doctor will do to him (Shots, cutting, etc) and he prepares himself for it. He'll cry, but he doesn't freak out. I've been doing this since he was old enough to understand. Of course, the ice cream reward for any painful procedure works too. (grin)

*sigh* I also washed my phone on Saturday. *grrr* This is an expense we DON'T need right now. Papa popped the card out of my phone and transferred all the calls to his phone. So you'll get me.....eventually. Just be prepared if you call me and hear "some guy's" voice. *Grin*

This drives me crazy because I'm so anal-retentive on where I keep my "importants." Oh well, as good as everything's going....I can deal with a phone foul up.

I think that's all that happened last week. This Thrs we're playing hooky from Cubscouts and going to see the Wizard of OZ at the Children's theater. I'm justifying the hooky-ing because it's one of LB's electives for earning his Tiger badge. They want him to see a "Live performance." I'm so excited!! I'll take culture wherever I can get it.

For some reason I've got the holiday blues. I feel overwhelmed and totally behind. So sorry for the blah post. I'm trying to get my holiday cards out ASAP. So be patient if you haven't gotten yours yet.

Love you, Ang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The lights look great! I'm not big on holidays either ... it seems the last four months of the year is nothing but stress ... school year for the little one, colds, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, allergies ... and one night for a bit of celebratory inebriation ... if that. I can't wait until this year's over!

A big "Congrats" for LB! Working with leather tools and being good at the Doctor's office ... yea for him!